Bath Bros Ranch
Breeding Quality Horses since 1868
The 19th annual 2016 Come To The Source Sale is almost upon us. The catalog is finished and can be viewed here. If you would like a catalog mailed to you please call (307) 742-4669 or email us at cometothesource@bathbros.com. Once again we are offereing some broke geldings. 7 to be exact. These horses come from two different programs. Billy Ward will have his usual offering of quiet, gentle ranch horses that have seen most everything a horse can see. This year we are selling two horses from Heath Stewart, Fronteir Rodeo. Because of the sucess we have had with Billy we have made an arrangement with Heath and his crew. Heath and his crew take these horses as 3 year olds and ride them for a few years. Fronteir Rodeo is one of the largest stock contractors in the industry with numerous awards. Because of this, these horses travel all over the country as pickup horses and stock supports. A rodeo takes a lot of people and stock behind the scenes as well as what everyone sees in the arena. For every hour Billy and Heath are seen in the arena, there are several hours behind the chutes sorting bulls, horses and calves for the perfomance. This is what makes these horses so good. We are very excited about this years sale and feel that there is something for everyone.
Our horses have been very busy this year. We had over 25 horses at Cheyenne Frontier Days (CFD) involved in the parade, picking up and the actual rodeo. We were proud to have the Governor and the First Lady riding our horses in the parade along with numerous other dignitaries. These same horses doubled as pick-up horses in the afternoon. Being able to compete at CFD shows the quality of these horses.
We were also well represented at most of the major rodeos this year including the National College Finals. With lots of rodeos left we know we will see a lot more.
We run about 900 head of commercial cattle and 70 head of registered Blue Valentine bred mares just west of Laramie, WY. Our family has been raising horses and cattle for over a 125 years on the same ranch - consequently the 'Running M' brand is one of the oldest registered brands in Wyoming. Our horses are used in everyday ranch operations from doctoring yearlings to branding calves to allowing our upcoming generation of ranchers improve their horsemanship/cattleman skills. This has proven to produce well rounded, athletic, gentile disposition horses that are at home in any situation. We are pleased to have Billy Ward riding our geldings for us. Billy Ward is considered one of the 'Greats' in the rodeo business and has been to the NFR as a pick-up man for seven years. While the Hairpin Cavvy , Billings, MT, has used many of Bath Brothers' reference studs in their herd, Bath Bros is no longer in partnership with Leachman Hairpin Cavvy with Valentine Red Rogers, Hancock Wiggy Bar, or Hancocks Red Wiggy.